17 Times People Needed Help Identifying Mysterious Objects And Found Out – For Better Or For Worse

Over on Reddit, people are asking internet strangers for help identifying strange objects that they found. From strange skeletal objects in trees to surprising trinkets that might be radioactive, here are a few of the weirdest objects that needed identification.


‘My Aunt Found This In Her Tree’

'My Aunt Found This In Her Tree'

Photo: u/Laysarechips2 / Reddit

Answered by u/scurvey101:

Looking at the femur and the canine structure, I’m guessing probably a black bear. If it was injured, or an abandoned cub, and it was trying to avoid getting eaten by wolves, coyotes… etc., then it would’ve claimed a tree to avoid danger.

Answered by u/Chardonneh:

I would say bear too. They look very manlike under their skin.

‘Opaque Ball Surrounded By Slugs In My Wood Chips’

'Opaque Ball Surrounded By Slugs In My Wood Chips'

Photo: u/venusproxxy / Reddit

Answered by u/hopelessly–hopeful:

Upon further googling, the blueish orb is actually their entwined penises because they are hermaphrodites. Huh. Today I learned something new…

Answered by u/Independent-Toe-576:

Intertwined slug penises. They’re both male and female and [fertilize] each other. But wait… there’s more! Slug penises come out of their heads.

What Is This Very Heavy Egg-Like Thing Made Of Metal?

What Is This Very Heavy Egg-Like Thing Made Of Metal?

Photo: u/These-Age5062 / Reddit

Answered by u/KryptosBC:

Was this in a laboratory environment? It has the look of a lead “pig” in which a radioactive material might be stored. The metal looks marred, indicating it is likely lead. It also looks like it is the internal assembly for a radioactive material transport device such as is used by licensed facilities/transporters to move radio-pharmaceuticals.

Answered by u/The_Amazing_Username:

Yeah, my first thought was I’d get a Geiger counter on that ASAP.

Answered by u/Triangle_t:

Yeah, not the best idea to open a heavy thick-walled container and stare into the bore. Just in case those walls are that thick for a reason.

Answered by u/LaggingHard:

You should contact poison control or the police and tell them you have a potential radiological hazard.

Looks like a lead container for a radioactive substance; hopefully the blur on the container itself is just from motion and isn’t a sign of radioactive particles shooting off towards your camera.

What Type Of Pepper Is This?

What Type Of Pepper Is This?

Photo: u/mindcontrol93 / Reddit

Additional information from the OP: 

We live in Canada. Our lovely neighbour from Brazil saw that I grew many hot peppers in my garden, and wanted to give me a “special pepper very famous in Brazil.” He got the seeds online, and has been growing the plants indoor in a window sill. He gifted me a single plant but I don’t actually know what it is, so I’m not sure how to care for it!

This plant is over a year old. I put it outside when I received it, as it had only one leaf on a wimpy stem. Outside it has grown quickly, but it is obviously not a pepper plant! When I’ve asked for more information, I’m given a Portuguese word and told it is the famous pepper of Brazil!

The “flowers” are very long trumpet shakes in a pale purple blue. They last for a day or two and then shrivel, to reveal a spiny ball-shaped fruit. It has a woody stem, leaves start off bright yellow green and then turn much darker.

I’m going to overwinter it because I’m so curious to know what it is! Anyone able to identify this for me?

Answered by u/oblivious_fireball:

Is your neighbor subtly trying to kill you?

Looks like a Datura. All parts of the plant are highly poisonous if consumed, and even if it doesn’t kill you the toxins are reportedly a horrific deliriant. However they are a wonderful ornamental plant.

Answered by u/scooterscuzz:

If the peppers turn out to be “spikey” or covered with spikes like a pincushion, do not consume. It’s extremely poisonous.

Answered by u/OminousOminis:

Datura, highly toxic and can kill. Very pretty and fragrant flowers though.

This Jumble Of Electronics Was Found Inside A Pack Of Newports

This Jumble Of Electronics Was Found Inside A Pack Of Newports

Photo: u/DrBoberton / Reddit

Request for additional information from u/rock_lee:

That was INSIDE the sealed box?

Answer from the OP u/DrBoberton:

Indeed, it was inside a sealed pack. Thank you for the info.

Answered by u/DepletedGeranium:

it seems likely that this is an inventory tracking device, as described in another reply here.

…[I]f that’s the case, the proprietor of the store at which you purchased that “pack of cigarettes” is either an idiot (who sold his camouflaged tracker to a customer) or was unaware of its presence – which might lead some to conclude that the retailer may be selling contraband cigarettes. Bolstering that hypothesis is the apparent lack of any tax stamp on the cigarette pack (they are normally found stamped onto the cellophane wrapper, at the bottom of the pack).

Answered by u/brock_lee:

I wonder if it’s this:

Tobacco Tracker™

Ah, seems to be…

Looks similar but has USB charging, not wireless.  .

What Is This Odd Metal Tool?

What Is This Odd Metal Tool?

Photo: u/Velvet_Pudding / Reddit

Answered by u/Collarsmith:

That is a salamander. A specialty tool for making creme brulee. They’ve been obsolete since cooks started to keep tiny blowtorches in the kitchen. You heat it on a burner, and then hold it over the creme brulee to caramelize the top layer.

I’ve seen you answer “solved” to a suggestion that this is a meat mallet. It is not, and would be useless for the purpose.

What Does This Little Bottle Say And What Is Inside Of It?

What Does This Little Bottle Say And What Is Inside Of It?

Photo: u/agroyle / Reddit

Answered by u/FinnsterBaby:

I could be wrong but i think it is called “Tong Balm.” Back in the early 2000s one of my friends would get this and he said that he would put it on his “member” before sex to help him last longer. I also tried it and have to say that it worked.

Answered by u/Auroraintime:

You really took one for the team…

Answered by u/Atomic-Kitties:

Kwang Tze Solution. It desensitizes the penis and is supposed to make sex last longer.

What Is This Tooth That A Grandmother Had In Her Possession For Decades?

What Is This Tooth That A Grandmother Had In Her Possession For Decades?

Photo: u/throwRAmajorissues / Reddit

Answered by u/SivNenneb:

I don’t know, but I can’t help myself here: “Grandma, what large teeth you have!”

Answered by u/sticky_fingers18:

Did your grandma use this to stab Tom Riddle’s diary?

Answered by u/sas223:

Definitely a whale… It seems small for a sperm whale, but I have no idea how big that marker is. Could be an orca.

Answered by u/Dragonwithamonocle:

Definitely looks cetacean to me. My first thought just going off shape is sperm whale, but it’s very small for the tooth of an adult sperm whale. Maybe from a calf, but not likely from an adult. Honestly, ID-ing different teeth from cetaceans is not my wheelhouse….

I can say with a fair amount of certainty, though, that it looks like it came from an oceangoing mammal of some variety.

What Is This Thing That Was Seen At A Museum Of Natural Sciences?

What Is This Thing That Was Seen At A Museum Of Natural Sciences?

Photo: u/natsws / Reddit

Answered by u/SeattleIsCool:

Jenny Haniver.

Answered by u/eltonnovs:

It’s a “mermaid,” constructed from a guitar fish or a type of ray. Also known as a Jenny Haniver.

What Is This Tiny Spoon For?

What Is This Tiny Spoon For?

Photo: u/Danny_myrillo / Reddit

Answered by u/GitEmSteveDave:

Earwax spoon.

Answered by u/charliesk9unit:

That’s wrong. It’s not an earwax spoon. It’s a fancy earwax spoon.

Answered by u/DreamingBackToThis:

100% what I was gonna say. I have one in leopard print that came in a little “manicure” set I got while I was in Korea. All the standard nail-care tools, and then… an earwax spoon.

Why Are These Bullets Merged Together?

Why Are These Bullets Merged Together?

Photo: u/alexcass91 / Reddit

Answered by u/Mr_Mojo_Risin_83:

Seems like trench art. Art created by soldiers with whatever they had on hand at the time. Neat find.

Answered by u/ShaggysGTI:

This is one of my favorite reads, about POWs in Japan secretly making a lathe. I revisit the link about ever other year or so when I can bring it up… and it is my time again.

What Is This Strange Rock That Was Found In The California Desert?

What Is This Strange Rock That Was Found In The California Desert?

Photo: u/Riqakard / Reddit

Answered by u/Bodie_The_Dog:

This is most likely what’s known as a “cupule boulder.” Cupules are generally shallow depressions worn into the rocks by Indigenous peoples, probably for ceremonial purposes. They are considered a form of rock art or petroglyph, and are often arrayed in elaborate patterns.

One in El Dorado County, CA, has been identified as a celestial observatory, showing the night sky on the solstices.

You can ID them as cupules as opposed to mortar cups because they are in places which aren’t functional for cracking or grinding acorns, such as on vertical surfaces, or as when arrayed in patterns like in your photo.

Also, acorns don’t usually exist in the desert, so no grinding holes can be found for them.

Cool find; the best way is to stumble upon them like this!

[Here is a] photo of some in Southern California near Castaic.

‘Found In The Middle Of A Disc Golf Course In Colorado’

'Found In The Middle Of A Disc Golf Course In Colorado'

Photo: u/slimydabuisnessloth / Reddit

Answered by u/ListenOk2972:

This is a device for collecting ants (or any small bugs). You suck on the end that is just barely inside the lid and use the tube that goes to the bottom of the jar to suck up the critters. Some kid lost this while trying to get ants for his ant farm.

The toothbrush is just there to hold the tube upright and keep it from kinking.

Answered by u/antsmithmk:

Yep that was my first thought. They are called pooters. This is a homemade one.

Answered by u/QueenMelle:

Well, at least this odd-looking thing doesn’t have a ridiculous name.

‘What Is This Green Translucent Thing?’

'What Is This Green Translucent Thing?'

Photo: u/slimcaraboo / Reddit

Answered by u/Claircashier:

It’s a bee catcher! They crawl in and get stuck! That’s why the top is shaped like a bee.

Note from OP u/slimcaraboo:

OMG… just Googled “bee catcher” and this is dreadful! As a bee lover, I will not be using this. Solved and thank you.

Response from u/Ceico_:

Use it indoors as a fly and mosquito trap. 🙂

What Is This Brick With A Metal Bow?

What Is This Brick With A Metal Bow?

Photo: u/PickleSideOfTown / Reddit

Answered by u/DontTellMeHowToTroll:

That’s probably exactly what it is. Probably a funny gag gift that they made for the homeowner and he used it as a doorstop or something.

Answered by u/fueled_by_rootbeer:

Yup. Seen similar doorstop at a metal fab shop in town!

What Is This Wooden Furniture Piece?

What Is This Wooden Furniture Piece?

Photo: u/mylittlewallaby / Reddit

Answered by u/crunchsmash:

It’s a bed desk. There’s supposed to be a metal bar underneath that slots into the wooden tray so you can prop it up at different angles for reading and stuff.

It’s like a more robust bed/lap tray.

Pic one
Pic two
Pic three

The design with the two side pockets is surprisingly old.
This old one even has the metal bracket to adjust the angle of the table.

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