Horse Refuses To Give Birth, When The Vet Sees The Ultrasound He Calls The Police

Ben, the farmer, was ecstatic to learn that his horse was pregnant. It meant he was going to get another horse, and if this one turned out to be a “good” one, it would mean more money. The time was almost here, after months of anticipation. The horse appeared to be in labor since her belly was bloated.
It was the horse’s time to give birth. Strangely enough, though, despite having a huge stomach, it refused to give birth. Ben made the decision to have an ultrasound at the neighborhood vet. The veterinarian called the police right away after seeing the ultrasound. However, what ailed the equine? And what went wrong for Ben? Let’s investigate this intriguing case.

Since this was a small town, everyone was acquainted. Moreover, word had spread that Ben’s horse was due for foal. It was easy to learn about the happenings on the ranches around, including Ben’s, as the residents of this sleepy little town congregated in their tiny bar at night and discussed everything under the sun.
The veterinarian was so shocked to see what was going on that he called the police. The cops assured the vet that they would respond to his call right away. This horse need more assistance than simply a veterinarian. There was clearly something unusual going on in this horse’s stomach, requiring surgery. It could even be a case of life or death.

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