20 Unpopular Opinions This Month That Really Divided The Internet

We’ll just leave these here and see if you agree with them… or not. Tempers may flare. You’ve been warned.

All posts sourced from r/unpopularopinion.

Believing That Beyoncé Is A Creative Genius Is The Musical Equivalent Of Believing That Professional Wrestling Is Real


Let me just preface this by saying that you’re allowed to like whatever you want, whether it be Top 40 pop music or WWE. However, I think it’s reasonable to infer that you’re either a small child or a very gullible, naive adult if you genuinely believe that WWE wrestlers are actually fighting rather than performing a scripted show. Well, the same principle applies to those who deify “Queen Bey” as this brilliant musical genius. Like pro-wrestling, her entire image and the narrative surrounding her career are just theatrics and carefully orchestrated branding. People gush about the choreography, lyrics, and arrangements behind her songs as if she didn’t outsource all of that to other people just as the vast majority of mainstream pop stars do. Yes, she can sing well, but again, this idea that her musical output is the product of a singular vision is about as plausible as the “feuds” between various WWE performers.

“Uuuuh, excuse me, but she has writing credits on most, if not all of her songs.”

While that’s technically true, various insiders from the music industry have explained that her name being the most prominently listed writing credit is a non-negotiable term whenever she works with songwriters, regardless of how much she actually contributes to the writing process.

She could (and more than likely does) contribute as little as one word and get a songwriting credit. There are also claims that she just adds harmonies and that somehow gets her name on the list of writers.

There have been allegations that she simply “licenses” the lyrics that others write for her, therefore entitling her to a songwriting credit.

With this in mind, past controversies about purported “Grammy snubs” are particularly infuriating. […] Assuming for a moment that the Grammys actually matter, it’s not a grave injustice that a guy who wrote all of his own lyrics, produced his own tracks, and played most (if not all) of the instruments on his album would beat out a corporate vehicle who sings other people’s lyrics, dances to others’ choreography, and relies on session musicians for the instrumentals (all while allowing the general public to believe that this music was the fruit of her labor alone).

Again, none of this is to say that you have to stop liking Beyoncé if you think her music is enjoyable or catchy. I just think that the marketing surrounding her has fostered a borderline demented cult of personality that endlessly deifies her as this musical goddess when she’s ultimately nowhere near as special as her fan base thinks she is. Like I said before, she sings well and she lets others handle everything else just like Justin Bieber, Adele, and most other mainstream pop singers do.

TL;DR: Beyoncé is a good singer who relies on large creative teams to handle all other aspects of production; she gets songwriting credits through loopholes and minimal lyrical contributions. If you think that she’s a musical genius in spite of this, you might as well believe that John Cena and Brock Lesnar are actually arch nemeses in real life (IDK, I don’t watch WWE, so please don’t crucify me for not knowing which wrestlers have feuds (LOL)).


Edit: I’ve been sitting on this for about a week and I’d like to write an addendum. Firstly, I never said Beyoncé was untalented or that her actual music is bad. Obviously, she’s a very talented singer and performer, although I don’t have particularly strong opinions about how the music itself sounds. […] I was trying to make a point about creative control (more on that later) rather than merit. Admittedly, I’m not always that good at effectively communicating what I mean.

Secondly, […] I don’t resent her success or that of any other pop star, nor do I question how she became successful; I’ve never had any aspirations to be a singer or multimillionaire, so that factor doesn’t matter to me. From what some of you have told me, she’s an accomplished businesswoman, so if she understands her market and knows how to effectively influence it, then more power to her. With that in mind, I was probably a little too dismissive or reductive about some of her specific accomplishments, and I’ll own that.


[…]. I didn’t want to just leave the post in its original form without clarifying and/or conceding a few things.

I’m Sick And Tired Of People Pretending They Have Money


The amount of broke people that I know walking around with clothes that cost thousands of dollars and phones that cost over a grand is insane. I’m tired of it. Stop going broke pretending you’re not.

You don’t need fancy cars to get around, the most expensive phone to text/browse the internet, or the latest fashion to look good.

Everyone I know makes about as much money as me ($30K to $50K a year), yet you see them buying $50,000 cars… [$3,000 to $4,000] watches. People are buying fancy bags THAT THEY DON’T EVEN USE or f***ing $600… shoes, then wondering why they’re broke all the f***ing time.

I’m so sick and tired of everyone pretending they’re bougie. I’m sick of every SoundCloud rapper pretending they’re rich and famous with 20 streams. I’m sick of people thinking that they should save their entire life for a Ferrari or some s*** so they can drive it to the supermarket once a week.

Think of the stuff you could actually be doing with that money instead. You could eat more or better; you could sleep sounder with less bills; or buy a better bed; you could have time to actually do something you like to do instead of working twice as hard to afford to look like you don’t have to work. You can do so much more than just buy “fancy” s*** with every paycheck.

This idea that it’s shameful to make less than $100K a year is such bulls*** and I’m tired of pretending it is anything but.

Go to f***ing Goodwill. Clothes that fit are better than overpriced secondhand Supreme merch. Go to Walmart. Drive a f***ing Jetta. Who cares?

I’m not even saying not to have expensive hobbies. At least that’s something you actually like to do. Build your [$2,000] PC; spend [$200 to $300] to go skydiving; buy paints to do art; whatever.

But spending money for the exclusive reason of wanting to look richer than you are, or to impress people with your wealth or whatever, is such trash.

Delivery Is So Expensive Now That It No Longer Makes Sense To Order It


A dozen wings from Buffalo Wild Wings: $35 after $5 tip. A single pizza from Pizza Hut/Domino’s: $26 after $5 tip.

You can get great freezer pizza and make it at home for $8. A dozen wings can be made for under $10. Its just gotten too expensive to order food since last year. Delivery fees are $6 now. Five dollars is barely a reasonable tip anymore.

Stop Telling Your Parents They’ve Already Told You That Story


My dad is a very simple man. He likes telling stories from his life that he thinks I will enjoy/are relevant to my current life issues. He could have told me a certain story a million times and I’ll listen like he’s the damn prophet. I enjoy hearing things about my great-grandparents especially because I never met them, and I act like each time he tells me a story is the first time I’ve heard it. One day, I heard my uncle telling my cousin a story my dad had told me, and his son just told him: “Dad do you ever shut up about that? I’ve heard it before.” I was aghast. My uncle looked crestfallen, and I could tell this wasn’t the first time it had been said. I told my cousin he was an idiot and needed to shut the hell up and listen. You only get your parents for so long; I don’t care if you’re tired of their stories. Sit down, shut up, and act like their story is the most interesting thing you’ve ever heard.

Grades Don’t Actually Reflect How Smart Someone Is

I posted this in r/LifeProTips and apparently it’s a unpopular opinion. I work for a small home remodeling company and the main thing we hate most is when the homeowner is standing there the whole time, watching us work. Please don’t do that if someone is working at your house.

Chris Pratt Isn’t As Bad As People Say He Is

I don’t get the hate. A lot of it seems overblown to me. He’s not a bad actor. Although he’s not a good serious leading man, he works a lot better as a comedic actor.

The stuff like being a regular to the Hillside Church (which the pastor says he isn’t), and the Instagram post about his child being healthy, seem like a big overreaction. He’s not great. I’d like him more if he went back to playing more comedic roles, which it does look like he’s doing now, but I don’t get the hate.

‘Can You Explain This Gap In Your Resume?’ Is An Inappropriate Question To Ask

I have never understood why it is acceptable for employers to ask this question in an interview. This is a personal and private question and there is no good way to answer it. I understand that employers want to know a potential employee’s experience/education, but asking this will rarely help them know how good of an employee they will be. It’s simply a nosy question that will be used to make an assumption about you based on what you answer.

Mall Culture Was The Best Thing Ever And It Should Make A Comeback

It’s sad that kids these days don’t do it anymore. Remember the days in the ‘80s/’90s/’00s when everyone went to the mall to hang out (even on weekdays)? That was a central spot to hang out and do stuff.

There was food, shopping, movie theaters, sometimes even bowling alleys, etc.

Nowadays, malls are falling apart and are mostly empty except on weekends.

Those were the days…

I feel like it’s necessary to point out that being a “mall rat” in the ‘80s and ’90s didn’t necessarily mean you were buying things. The money that businesses made came from the fact that everyone was there, including people without money. The allure brought in the people that did, and that’s how money was made (on top of regular shoppers not there to hang out). There was no class barrier to entry. You just showed up and hung out with your friends. You didn’t get kicked out for that. A lot of people are  making this about CaPiTaLiSm and even a few comments about privilege. Honestly, I can’t even blame them for anything other than ignorance, so… yeah, cool your jets there.

‘Star Wars’ Is Living Off The Hype Of Three Movies Released 40 Years Ago And Is Mediocre At Best

The original three are great. Everything outside of that (not including animated stuff and video games) [has] been either mid (Rogue OneMandalorian) or absolute a** (ST and PT). It’s a very mediocre IP that has overstayed its welcome. Star Wars is only in the cultural conscious because of three movies released 40 years ago.

Had to get this off my chest after watching the soulless, mind-numbingly boring Kenobi.

Kevin Hart And Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Are An Overrated Duo And Will Never Be Good As As Chris Tucker And Jackie Chan

When I first saw the two in a movie, they weren’t too bad until they started doing almost every movie together and played the same type of role in each of the movies. They were forcing a bromance thing to the viewers, but nobody will top Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan’s chemistry. Some come close but it certainly ain’t “The Rock” and Kevin Hart.

Ryan Gosling Is Too Old To Be In A ‘Barbie’ Movie

Actually, they are all too old. Other old actors also still play the role of a young man/woman. I love Sandra Bullock, but she is too old for another romantic movie. And I hate that they do plastic surgery to keep playing as young people. In this last Spider-Man movie, dear Tobey, my favorite Spider-Man, looked really awkward in that Spider-Man suit.

I like it when they acknowledge the fact that they are getting old [and] move on to other roles.

Americans Are The Friendliest Strangers You’ll Ever Meet

Put aside the stereotypes. Put aside the rude, entitled tourists (every country has some version of them). Ignore the Americans you see in the news/make a good story for politics. Come to any American city and you’ll see people who are more than happy to give you directions or who are eager to tell you their life stories. You can’t find many countries with strangers who are so willing to engage and help you.

Yes, the world’s a big place. Many countries are welcoming to strangers, but at the very least I don’t think the USA deserves the bad rep it gets. It’s just the vocal minority that people focus on, and people hardly hold other countries to that standard. I am still going to stand by my statement.

Harry Potter’s Personality Sucks

Okay, I’m just gonna say it. I don’t like Harry Potter. The character. I’ve only watched the movies, so it’s possible I don’t have a full picture. But he just comes across as an a**hole. Like, I can’t bear to see him on screen. He is quick to yell at his friends and acts like he’s super important, but he isn’t! He is the most useless character in the series. For some reason though, he is considered the leader of the three.

And another thing: I don’t think the acting was good. I just can’t get behind the acting. I think Daniel didn’t play the role of Harry well. However, I think Rupert and Emma played their characters well.

What do you guys think?

I understand this man has been neglected […], it’s just I can’t handle him.

Boneless Wings Are Superior To Bone-In And You Cannot Change My Mind

Boneless wings are the G.O.A.T. They are NOT just chicken nuggets, dammit, they are not weird chicken byproduct foam flash fried into a lump. They are succulent chunks of tenderloin or breast meat breaded and fried to perfection, sauced to your choosing. Emperors did not eat so well. Bone-in wings are full of weird gristle and connective bits that taste like rubber bands. They are peasant food. The meat gets all slimy from being against the bone. You have to deal with a mouthful of gross cartilage bits to get all the meat off. You have to dig into them with your bare hands like an animal, whereas you can eat boneless wings with a fork like God intended. They are the objectively better option. Y’all just like bone-in wings because food snobs say they’re better. I will go to my grave defending this.

I know I know, they aren’t actually wings. Y’all each get a point in semantics lol. But society decided bone-in wings needed a nemesis so here we are. I meant to say boneless “wings” in the title.

I came to my (completely correct) findings because I’m a sauce man. The sauce is the boss. That to me is why you eat “wings”. Boneless and breaded, though the actual meat may not be as good, are the superior sauce vehicle. Plus, any slight improvement in the flavor of the meat by itself is ruined by the fact that eating a bone-in wing is like eating a gristly kneecap with some meat stuck to it.

I Finally Watched ‘Breaking Bad.’ It Was Insanely Boring And I Don’t Understand Why It’s Regarded As A ‘Perfect Show’ By So Many.

I tried to watch it when it first was airing and got bored about halfway through Season 3. Since I see it is still so highly praised, I figured I’d give it a rewatch since I’m older and maybe it’ll click.

It didn’t. I forced myself to finish the show, and it did get somewhat interesting at the end, but my god was 90% of the show boring.

Edit: A lot of people are asking what shows I do like, so here’s a short list:

  • Dark
  • This Is Us
  • The Last Kingdom
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • Supernatural
  • Big Little Lies
  • Game of Thrones (Seasons 1-6)
  • LOTR
  • Prison Break (especially Season 1)
  • True Detective
  • Lost
  • Dexter
  • Mindhunter

Those are just the ones that popped into my head. Some are high-action, others more slow-burn.

Edit: This list is shows I enjoy. They are not a Top 10 or my favorites. They are also not in any order. They are just shows that popped into my head when asked what shows I enjoyed.

Edit: A lot of people are saying “boring isn’t a reason.” I have my reasons. I just figured most people reading this wouldn’t care for the actual reasons and “boring” would get the point across. Some reasons the show was boring:

Pacing sucked a lot. There was a lot of stuff they spent time on that really didn’t need it. An entire episode watching them crank the damn power generator thing in the desert? Also, I didn’t connect with the characters at all. Even with protagonists that are not good people I usually still enjoy watching (see Sons of Anarchy). But for BB, I really just didn’t like the characters. Walt was a d***. Jessie was a melodramatic baby most of the time. Hank was a bully, and God was he annoying with his macho-ness. Skyler… was Skyler… Holly was cool though, I guess.

Playing Video Games As An Adult Sucks

You come home from work and are too exhausted to even have the effort to play unless you down an energy drink or coffee. Being a kid, it was much better since you got out at 3 pm and had seven hours to play. Now as an adult, you have maybe three hours of free time, which does include chores and other responsibilities. When you are done, you are just tired and don’t have the energy to get your a** kicked in Elden Ring.

I Will Never Tell My Kids Santa Claus Is Real Because I Don’t Want To Lie To Them

I had a conversation with friends and they were talking about Santa Claus and if my kid knows it yet (2-year old).

I told them that I will not lie to them, talking about an imaginary person that would randomly give presents in exchange [for] good behavior. I do not understand first why kids shouldn’t know that the presents are from your family and that you actually spent money for them rather than a stranger.

Also, you are basically lying to them for some consumerism and you basically create brats that are only motivated to do good for a present.

What are your thoughts on that? We never had Santa Claus when I was kid and it never upset me. Also, I have to add that we don’t do this tradition of opening presents in the morning but do it all together at Christmas night.

Don’t mention imagination. My kid has plenty. They don’t watch TV, create their own world, and enjoy reading books and stories.

Stop being Western-centered. Kids can have lot of fun without being [spoon-fed] by Santa Claus, which is just… commercial stuff. You can offer presents and be happy doing that. And your kids can do that also. I don’t think it’s nice to pretend some imaginary person they don’t know think[s] about them. Isn’t it like telling [them]: Don’t trust strangers, and then teaching them the contrary.

Ryan Reynolds And ‘The Rock’ Are Two Of The Worst Actors Of Modern Cinema

First of all, both are extremely one-dimensional and quite literally play the same character in every movie. Reynolds is always the snarky, pessimistic, sarcastic guy. Meanwhile, The Rock plays the buff, ballsy, confident hero. Reynolds has the humor of a 14-year old who just discovered dark humor, and I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie starring him that made me laugh. The Rock plays the same action hero in basically every movie. I can’t think of a unique role he’s ever had. I genuinely cannot comprehend how people worship these guys. It feels like Netflix has a contract to cast them in every s***ty Netflix original movie.

Pepto-Bismol Is Delicious And Should Be Made Into A Nonmedicated Beverage

I wish I could drink a full glass [of] Pepto-Bismol.

My wife doesn’t like the taste, so she buys the pill version, but I keep my own bottle under the sink. When my tummy aches, I’ll take a fat swig straight from the bottle. I don’t even measure. Sometimes I’ll eat extra cheese to make my stomach hurt just so I can have an excuse to taste the glorious pink serum. Sometimes, but only sometimes, I’ll take a swig when my stomach is fine, just as a treat. I’d drink a glass of it with every meal if I could.

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