These Are The 19 Oldest Surviving Photographs Known To Humankind, And They’re Stunning

Photography has influenced society since its inception in the 11th century. The oldest photographs depict fascinating details about life before pictures were common. From historical war photos to amazing images of space, the earliest surviving pictures known to humans have a profound and engaging aura.

The very first camera was invented by an Iraqi scientist in the 11th century. Called the “camera obscura,” the device only projected images onto other surfaces, and upside down at that. However, in the early 19th century, photography as we know it was born. French photographer Joseph Nicéphore Niépce used a portable version of the 11th-century device “to expose a pewter plate coated with bitumen to light.” This became the first incarnation of permanent photography.

The images in this list are some of the oldest photographs, and most of them are the first of their kind. From the first picture ever taken by Niépce to the first movie, these images capture the development of permanent photography throughout the course of the 19th century.

    • First Photograph On A Camera

      First Photograph On A Camera

      Photo: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      View from the Window at Le Gras, 1826, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne, France

    • First Reliably Dated Daguerreotype

      First Reliably Dated Daguerreotype

      Photo: Louis Daguerre / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      L’Atelier de l’artiste, Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1837

    • First Photograph With A Human In It

      First Photograph With A Human In It

      Photo: Louis Daguerre / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      Boulevard du Temple, 1838, Paris, France

    • First Self-Portrait Photograph

      First Self-Portrait Photograph

      Photo: Robert Cornelius / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      “Robert Cornelius, head-and-shoulders [self-]portrait, facing front, with arms crossed,” 1839, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

    • Oldest Surviving Photograph Of A Woman

      Oldest Surviving Photograph Of A Woman

      Photo: John William Draper / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      Dorothy Catherine Draper, John William Draper, 1839-1840

    • Oldest Surviving Photograph Of The Moon

      Oldest Surviving Photograph Of The Moon

      Photo: John William Draper / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      1840, rooftop observatory at NYU, New York, US

    • First Hoax Photograph

      First Hoax Photograph

      Photo: Juan Carlos M. Rosas / Flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

      Self Portrait as a Drowned Man, 1840, France

    • Oldest Photograph Of A US President

      Oldest Photograph Of A US President

      Photo: Philip Haas / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

      Photograph of President John Quincy Adams, 1843, United States

    • Oldest Photograph Of People Drinking

      Oldest Photograph Of People Drinking

      Photo: David Octavius Hill / Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

      Edinburgh Ale, 1844, Edinburgh, Scotland

    • First Photograph Of The Sun

      First Photograph Of The Sun

      Photo: Hippolyte Fizeau and Léon Foucault / Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

      Image of the Sun, 1845, Paris, France

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