27 Sassy People Who Said Technically True Things That Are Just Wrong

This list is comprised of true statements that while accurate are just wrong. You can find simliar posts at r/technicallytrue. Be sure to vote up your favorites!

1. This Isn’t Rocket Science

This Isn't Rocket Science

2. It Could Happen To You

It Could Happen To You

3. Define ‘Scam’

Define 'Scam'

4. Where’s Your Yacht?

Where's Your Yacht?

5. Grandma Isn’t Lying Then

Grandma Isn't Lying Then

6. Can’t Beat The Results

Can't Beat The Results

7. Risky Answer

Risky Answer

8. Too True

Too True

9. Navigating Like Pirates Sounds Cooler Than What It Was

Navigating Like Pirates Sounds Cooler Than What It Was

10. Didn’t Even Try

Didn't Even Try

11. Now It All Makes Sense

Now It All Makes Sense

12. Leaving With A Clean Slate

Leaving With A Clean Slate

13. Silver Linings

Silver Linings

14. Very Punny

Very Punny

15. Very Meta

Very Meta

16. Cats Aren’t Human

Cats Aren't Human

17. The Last Place They’d Look

The Last Place They'd Look

18. Moses Was An Early Adopter

Moses Was An Early Adopter

19. If The One Night Is Really Important

If The One Night Is Really Important

20. Checks Out

Checks Out

21. Laundry Poems

Laundry Poems

22. Not A Lamb In Sight

Not A Lamb In Sight

23. So Proud Of Their Work

So Proud Of Their Work

24. Mostly Ravioli

Mostly Ravioli

25. Get That Computer Time In Now

Get That Computer Time In Now

26. They Finally Made A Useful iPhone

They Finally Made A Useful iPhone

27. They Do Get It

They Do Get It

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