What It’s Actually Like To Guard The Queen, According To Former Members Of The Queen’s Guard

What It's Actually Like To Guard The Queen, According To Former Members Of The Queen's Guard

If you’re ever visited London and caught a glimpse of the guards outside of Buckingham Palace, you know the uniformed men are all business. Life inside the royal residence is fascinating, but have you ever wondered what the guards protecting the queen see on a daily basis? What kind of rules do they have to follow? What’s the craziest thing to happen on their watch?

Some former members of the Queen’s Guard shared their experiences on Reddit. Their stories may change your understanding of the stoic boys in red and black.

Guards Carry Live Ammunition When There’s A Perceived Threat

Guards Carry Live Ammunition When There's A Perceived Threat

While they largely serve ceremonial roles, the royal guards do occasionally carry live ammunition during high-risk situations. According to Redditor /u/nibs123:

If there is a major incident, we go out armed and deal with it if we are needed. Also, depending on the threat level at the time, we can be posted with ammo… for extra protection, but this is extremely rare.

They May Pull Pranks To Pass The Time


The job isn’t always exciting, and Redditor /u/nibs123 admitted to pulling pranks to pass the time:

When I’m really bored, I like to mess peoples’ pictures up. When a load of… tourists came and set up a huge picture, I waited until the cameraman was counting down to take the picture, then marched up and down my post until they all left… A little evil I know.

They’re Authorized To Use Weapons When Necessary

They're Authorized To Use Weapons When Necessary

Royal bodyguards have served the British monarchy since the mid-17th century, and they’re permitted to use extreme protection measures, though they don’t typically kill intruders. According to Redditor /u/nibs123:

We are legally allowed to attack and kill people that pose a threat to the lives of myself or others. If I was put in a situation where I had to disable someone with my weapon, the person getting on the wrong end of my bayonet would be treated for his injuries and arrested… There would be an investigation on if it was allowed, and if it was, nothing would happen to me.

On one occasion in January 2017, a guard almost shot Queen Elizabeth while she walked the Buckingham Palace grounds at 3 am. The guard reportedly said, “Bloody hell, Your Majesty, I nearly shot you.” The queen allegedly replied, “That’s quite all right. Next time I’ll ring through beforehand, so you don’t have to shoot me.”

Keeping Track Of The Royals Is Part Of The Job

Keeping Track Of The Royals Is Part Of The Job

The guards protect all the royals in residence at Buckingham Palace. Redditor /u/nibs123 remembered:

A few times Prince Harry [went] out in the early afternoon and [had] to be carried back in on a bodyguard’s shoulder because he was drunk out of his mind.

Guards Wear Bearskin Hats Despite The Controversy

Guards Wear Bearskin Hats Despite The Controversy

The big, furry hats the Queen’s Guard wear are just as heavy as they look, and they’re covered with real bearskin. Conservationists want to replace the fur hats with synthetic ones.

Redditor/u/nibs123 explained the reasoning behind the hats:

In the old days, it made us more intimidating… When cavalry charged us they would aim for the heads, which is why we wear the chinstrap under our nose so the hat would come off if hit without breaking our necks.

They Occasionally Interact With The Royal Family

They Occasionally Interact With The Royal Family

Many of the queen’s household guards describe their royal employers as extremely nice. Apparently, the other members of the royal family are kind, as well. Redditor /u/Killco_Joe recalled:

[The family] are all wonderful, down-to-earth people from the ones I have met. Prince Philip is hilarious… You have to take what he says in jest; he’s an old fella with a great sense of humor.

They People Watch During Their Shifts

They People Watch During Their Shifts

The queen’s guards have several tricks to distract themselves at the post. Tourists travel to Buckingham Palace to see the guards, but the soldiers find the visitors entertaining, too. Redditor /u/nibs123 said:

It does get a bit boring sometimes. I tend to sing songs in my head or try to remember as much of a movie from start to finish… I’ve gotten pretty good at that… Also sometimes I just people-watch, since they’re doing it to me.

They May Get Penalized For Responding To Tourists

They May Get Penalized For Responding To Tourists

The guards seem stoic, but it’s not always easy for them to stay in character. Redditor /u/nibs123 said:

I try not to [laugh] but sometimes you just can’t help it – some people are just too funny. [If caught laughing, guards] usually get charged a few days to a week’s pay for moving on parade. It’s usually about 200 quid – not fun.

Their Uniforms Are Symbolic And Practical

Their Uniforms Are Symbolic And Practical

The uniforms the guards wear are both practical and symbolic. The bearskin hats, for example, initially intimidated foes on the battlefield. British cavalrymen looked taller in them, and their heads had protection.

The black pants, however, double as a way to disguise unfortunate accidents. Redditor /u/nibs123 recalled:

On a parade in front of a large crowd, one of my fellow guardsmen needed to relive himself and couldn’t hold it any longer. He was on the front row and left a huge obvious puddle where he was. Some of the crowd noticed and started laughing.

They Keep Their Uniforms Sharp

They Keep Their Uniforms Sharp

The queen’s guards have to keep their uniforms neat at all times. Redditor /u/Killco_Joe shared:

We have to make sure it is [polished with Brasso] everyday, same with the brass fittings of the buff belt. The boots have to be so reflective that you can visibly see your teeth in them. Then in everyday work when not on guard, we make sure everything is clean and tidy. If it’s not, you get extra work. Specifically on weekends or a Friday night.

Guards Have To ‘Faint To Attention’


During the summer months, guards may sweat excessively while on duty. Sometimes their legs even get numb, but they are allowed to move every so often to prevent fainting. If they are about to topple, they are supposed to “faint to attention” – that is, fall face-first.

Redditor /u/nibs123 noted:

I almost [fainted] a few times when the weather was extreme, but I have seen many of my fellow guardsman faint and fall full force to the face.

They Don’t Typically Talk To Tourists

They Don't Typically Talk To Tourists

The guards don’t talk to tourists or onlookers unless they need to direct foot traffic. In 2015, Suffolk native Gerry Weatherhead disregarded the guard’s directions. As a result, the guards trampled him.

Redditor /u/nibs123 doesn’t like when “people try to mock the way [guards] march by doing it all wrong, which is sometimes annoying.”

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