15 Unhinged Arguments This Week That Summoned The Internet’s Biggest Angry Mobs

    • She Refused To Give Her Boyfriend Her Bank Account Info

      From Redditor u/Dices1433:

      I (F31) have been with my boyfriend (M37) for eight months. He has three kids and is a single dad. We’re on pretty good terms regarding almost everything. When it comes to money and spending, we’d take turns to invite each other out weekly (we don’t live together obviously).

      Several times he had me pay for his kids’ purchases. I didn’t make a big issue out of it for the sole reason that those purchases were relatively small; all I had to pay was $30-$60.

      The other day, he called me while I was at work and sounded like he was in a hurry. He said he just found the gaming device he’s been looking for for so long and wanted to buy it for his oldest son. I asked what’s this have to do with me, and he told me he was short on money and needed $300. He asked me to lend him the $300, and I hesitated but agreed. He asked for my bank account info so he could pull the money, but I refused and told him to wait for me till I get there. He insisted and said he’d handle it; all I had to do was just send him my bank account info after I end the call with him. His insistence made me uncomfortable, so I still said no, and told him to either wait or I won’t pay. He got mad at me, saying he didn’t get why I was acting like this. He got so loud I had to h[a]ng up.

      I found him sitting outside after I went home. He was waiting for me and was extremely upset. He asked why I didn’t just send him the account info so he could pull the money we agreed on. I told him I don’t feel comfortable letting anyone have my personal info, especially when it comes to finances . He got offended and said, “I’M NOT JUST ANYONE, I’M YOUR F’ING PARTNER!!” Then went on a rant about how he ended up not paying the gaming device after looking for it for so long and now his kid is mad at him and it’s my fault.

      We had a fight, then he left and told me I’d better have an apology for him AND his son next time I call his phone… I haven’t call[ed] yet, but I feel like I acted stupidly and irrationally. I think I should’ve just given him the info he asked for? I don’t know if I made the right decision.


      Wow, so I’ve left this thread after the first hour but got back to hundreds of people engaging… Wow, I’m just amazed. And since many of you wanted to know what happened, I went to his place and talked to him and his oldest son; turns out that the gaming device thing was a lie. He wanted the money for something else, to help pay for one of his buddies’ car repair. I was shocked when he confessed and said he had to lie and make it about his kids to get me to lend him the money. You can only imagine my reaction after this; I just blew up at him and left without giving him any chance to respond.

      He tried calling my phone (still trying), but I decided I want some space to think about what happened and really reevaluate our relationship. It’s true that he had me pay for the kids in the past, but after what I found I wouldn’t put it past him that those $30-$60 purchases weren’t for the kids, as I haven’t seen the stuff he said he bought for them. I’m in need of some space and quiet… I’m busy with work but I do my best to stay focused. I quite frankly am no longer sure if I could move past this… it’s just so unsettling that he has no issue lying to me and USING me for money like that. I love the kids, I ADORE them, but him? He’s hurt me… and I’m not sure I could come back from it. I might just be upset right now and will need time… I don’t know… Yeah… I’m just going to do a lot of thinking regarding this situation and see what happens.

      Sorry for the long text but I wanted to let you know about the situation as a whole.

      The internet sided with OP.

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      She Yelled At Her Husband And Mother-In-Law And Didn’t Let Them In The Delivery Room

      From Redditor u/Glass_Ad4738:

      My (29F) husband (32M) J and [I]… recently had a baby girl. By recently I mean literally last night. A few weeks ago I was invited to dinner at my mother-in-law’s home. She told me she had something important to discuss and I knew exactly what was coming. When I sat down, she held my hand and said, “Me and J have talked and we think it would be best if I replaced your mother in the deliver[y] room.” I said I’m sorry, but my mother has already been invited and I’m not comfortable not having her there. She started squeezing my hand tighter, saying that it’s not just up to me. Side note: My MIL has never been the nicest to me. She would always make snide remarks about my weight and skin colour.

      I said no again and said it is my choice as I am giving birth. The subject was then dropped, but when we got home my husband blew up at me saying he has just as much a decision as me in this. I disagree; it will be me giving birth and I need my mother there. He said fine and we both forgot about it.

      Yesterday i went into labour. First I called my husband as he was staying at his mother’s at the time. Then after about an hour I called my mother. She was shocked to hear from me and told me my husband said I didn’t want her there. I told her I do want her there and she came straightaway. My husband got to the hospital about 20 minutes after my mother, and when he got there he had brought my MIL. I completely lost it. I started yelling at him and scolding him for telling my mother not to come, then he started shouting at me for not letting him bring his mother. After he has shouted at me for about five more minutes I told him to leave. I said I didn’t want to see him or his mother ever again.

      I’m still not sure if I meant what I said or not. Because of the stress put on my body the birth became more dangerous, but my mother [w]as here for me the whole way.

      The internet sided with OP.

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      7,102 VOTES

      Sister Refused To Let Her Sister-In-Law Wear Her Wedding Dress To Prom

      From Redditor u/AITA22223:

      I (25F) got married to my husband (24M) a year ago. He has a sister (16F). I went a little nontraditional with my dress. I got a big light yellow dress, and a beautiful strappy top with lace. The dress was gorgeous, and of course very expensive. This was definitely my dream dress.

      His family isn’t particularly well off, but they’re certainly not poor or lower income. So when they told me at a family dinner that they were having trouble finding an affordable dress for her, I was a little surprised, but gave suggestions like looking at eBay, Goodwill’s website, etc. In my younger days I did pageants and we always resold the dress after at a good discount. They told me they looked but didn’t find anything they like. I told them I hope “the dress” would come up soon.

      Two weeks passed and we get invited to dinner again at their house. We show up and immediately his sister starts moping. I assume she had a bad day at school and sit down to eat. Then my MIL explained to me she was upset because prom was in three days and she still had no dress. I expressed my condolences, and told her that I could maybe help her have some last looks around. That’s when MIL said, “Oh, I have an idea, (my name), why don’t you let (SIL) wear your yellow dress. I could probably get it tailored in time.” My SIL immediately perked up – and I felt like I was ambushed. I looked to my husband but he just shrugged. I politely told them I was sorry, but the dress was very special to me, and also SIL and I are quite different sizes. It would fall off her.

      MIL then told me she knows a “wonderful seamstress” who could make it fit. Which really upset me. I asked her, “What if I ever want to try it on again? It wouldn’t fit me. Even if I lost weight, my bust would never fit in a dress tailored to fit her.” SIL ended up busting into tears. I’m not sure if it was because of me saying no – or me talking about our bodies. My husband and I ended up leaving early. He was very upset with me for not sharing the dress, but said ultimately it was my decision. His family on the other hand was livid with me.

      They went radio silent until I saw a post of SIL on Facebook in a beautiful blue dress. I commented, saying I’m glad she got a dress, she looked great, and I hope she had a good time – and I got a comment back asking me for my portion of the dress. They have now told my husband I am responsible for either reselling the dress and getting them half back since I have experience with that, or help pay for half. I told them that was ridiculous, but my husband told me to just do it. I told him I’m not going to be pushed over, and he ended up leaving for three days to his mom’s. Now I am no longer invited to family dinners or functions, and they only have nasty things to say about me. Saying I almost ruined her prom night. AITA? Should I have just let her wear the dress, or at the very least helped them sell it? At this point, since my husband isn’t even on my side, I don’t know.

      Edit: tried to talk to MIL after getting some confidence from these comments. Basically she brushed it all off, still demanded I do what she told me to (to either sell it, or help pay for it) because I’m “family” and thats what family does – but also said she would have looked much better in it than I did, and that I just didn’t let her have the dress out of jealousy. I am honestly speechless right now.

      Final Edit: My MIL saw the… article that was made about this post after another family member sent it to her. My husband and I fought because of me “publicly shaming” his family. I told him I’m wanting to separate. Please do not message me regarding my separation. This has become a private matter. Thank you for helping me see how terrible they are being.

      The internet sided with OP.

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      8,531 VOTES

      She Missed Her Exam Because Her Husband Was Messing With Her Alarm

      From Redditor u/CharlieOutlaw23:

      I (F23) have been married to my husband (M26) for a year. I’m in my last year of university and been so, so busy for the last two weeks, with many projects and finals looming. My husband complains from seeing me studying and not doing activities together or hanging out with friends anymore. I’ve told him it’s not gonna last forever and that I need to focus because this is my last year and it’s been the hardest.

      The day before the exam he wanted me to go with him to a friend’s birthday party. I refused because I was busy preparing for my exam. He pleaded with me, saying it’s just one hour, and talked about how his friends will be upset if I’m not there. I said no and shut down any further discussions. He got upset and called me selfish and inconsiderate, but then dropped it.

      Before I went to bed, I set my alarm clock like I always do since I’m a heavy sleeper and I stayed up late studying. The next morning I woke up at 9 am. I literally freaked out and checked my alarm and found that it was set to go off at 9:30 am. I had no idea how this happened till my husband told me he did this to repay me for refusing to take… one hour to attend the party, so he took this hour from my time. I couldn’t believe it. I absolutely blew up at him, just yelling and screaming at him left and right. He just stood there shocked from my reaction and my rage. I got dressed quickly and rushed to the university.

      They didn’t let me into the exam hall. I got into a lot of hassle to get them to reschedule the exam, especially since I had no legit reason as to why I was late. It was awful is all I can say.

      I went home and my husband and I stopped speaking to each other. He kept acting as if I hurt his feelings and traumatized him by yelling. And that I deserve what he did since he was frustrated with my continual refusal to attend all events for the past two weeks. I might be wrong for not considering it,but I think that my exams should be a priority and his way of “teaching me a lesson” was not right.

      The internet sided with OP.

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      6,390 VOTES

      He Canceled Their Trip After His Wife Canceled His Son’s Ticket

      From Redditor u/throwra5354409:

      Situation is a bit messy so bear with me.

      I (M42) have two boys, “A” (16) and “L” (14). Their mom passed away five years ago and I married my wife “R” about a year ago. “R” adores both of my boys but complains about “L” being overly uptight and closed up. It’s true that he likes to keep to himself; doesn’t participate in most family functions, but that’s just how he is. My wife has taken it personally and kept saying that “L” clearly doesn’t like her and/or doesn’t like spending time with her.

      What she started doing was try to exclude him from events under the excuse of “he wouldn’t be I interested anyway,” which I thought was wrong because he’s picked up on that and started asking why. So I told my wife to just do her part and [give] him the choice to decide whether he wants to participate or not and not outright exclude him.

      I’d been arranging for a family trip, and days ago I booked tickets/hotel reservation upon deciding our destination. Note that I was paying for the entire thing. But the day of the trip I found out that “L”’s ticket had been canceled. I was dumbfounded to discover it was my wife who canceled it. I immediately confronted her and she said she figured “L” wouldn’t want to come, but she knew he said he’d go. She tried to argue that due to his “moody personality and introvert nature” he’d change his mind last minute, or go on the trip but turn it into a miserable experience for us all. I got so mad at her, especially after she tried pressuring me to leave him with his aunt. I canceled the entire trip, all tickets, all reservations, everything. She blew up at me and started lashing out. I had the boys unpack and I did the same, which made her go crazy and yell at everyone in the house. She went to stay with her sister while exposing what I did to the rest of the family, who thought I made a big deal out of it and [should not have] canceled the trip that I promised the wh[o]le family.

      1 Edit. format and mistakes, I’m so sorry for those.

      2 Edit. I am planning another trip with the boys (without my wife), but right now there’s huge conflict in the family, and even “A” is upset and blames “L” for what happened. I’m trying to get everyone to calm down, then we’ll see where this goes.

      3 Edit. I’ve decided (and following some opinions here) to speak to “A” to see exactly why he blames “L” for what happened. He just got home and I’m about to get him into a sep[a]rate room for a private talk to be able to hear his side in this and find out why he feels this way. If there’s any relevant information I will add it below.

      4 Edit. I spoke with “A.” Turns out, “R” told him I canceled the trip after “L” changed his mind “last minute,” and that I decided to cancel it for everyone else and fought with her when she tried to convince me to go anyway and let “L” go stay with his aunt. This is just… I don’t know what to say, to be frankly honest. “A” didn’t even want to talk, but I told him we needed to talk. He and “L” aren’t speaking right now because of this, and I’m struggling trying to clean up this mess. I was actually thinking about calling “R,” but after this I’ve decided I need more space than she does. I will have the boys sit together (it’s hard to do it, but I’ll try) and talk this [o]ut so I can focus on the other major issue I have with what “R” did.

      The internet sided with OP.

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      7,126 VOTES

      They Friend’s Family Kicked Them Out While On Vacation, So They Got Their Own Room And Stayed

      From Redditor u/imonvacaaation:

      I am in college, and my roommate from last year, [whose] family is really rich, said she could bring a friend on vacation. It was kinda awkward; I was her third choice, but her family vetoed the first two because they didn’t want her bringing a boy or this other female friend of hers they disliked.

      Her parents bought my plane ticket and booked the resort, which I was very grateful for, and I saved a lot of money up so I could make sure I buy my own food and activities when I’m there, and treat her family to a dinner as a thank you for the ticket.

      But when the trip started, it was just bad. It was her, me, her mother, her father, two of her father’s friends, and her three brothers going.

      On the flight, they all got first class and got me an economy seat. But I didn’t say anything because why argue about a free ticket?

      The first night they went to a grocery; it turns out they wanted to cook at the resort kitchen for the whole trip

      And by “they wanted to cook” it actually turned out that they wanted me and my friend to cook. I wasn’t warned about this, but it turns out my friend’s family is sooo “traditional” that they see cooking as a women’s job. And her mom had just had hand surgery.

      So it was me and my friend cooking every meal for six men and her mom. And I can’t cook well. I know a couple staple meals to feed myself, but since I rarely eat meat I don’t know how to cook it. I’m also okay at cooking for one or two, but have no practice cooking for a group of nine.

      I screwed it up, undercooked chicken, and overcooked some steak, and her dad was angry with me. I got short with him and told him that if he knew how to do better he could pitch in instead of standing around criticizing.

      But he got furious and said he was on his vacation. I said that I was trying to have a vacation, too, or did they invite me to be an unpaid domestic servant?

      My friend’s parents and dad’s friends got angry I said that and started yelling at me.

      The argument escalated; I sarcastically called myself “the help.”

      His dad snapped at me and told me to get out of their suite and go home. Didn’t say sh*t about how he expected me to do that.

      I left and called the airline with my ticket, and asked them if they could do anything to prevent anyone else from modifying or canceling my ticket. They let me set a passcode, and no changes could be made to the flight without it.

      Then I went to the resort desk to ask about rooms, saying I was stranded unexpectedly. They actually did have some affordable rooms available because of a weekday discount. So I got housing and still had money left over for touristy stuff.

      I went sightseeing and relaxed on the beach for three days, until my friend’s parents ran into me. They were taking a sunset walk and did a double take seeing me on the beach. They said they thought I was going home, and I said I decided to stay. They were angry because they saw me staying and using the return flight as having deceived them into thinking I couldn’t afford a vacation, and using them for flights when I could actually afford things.

      AITA for staying on that vacation and using the flight home?

      The internet sided with OP.

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      New Parent Stopped Answering Their Husband’s Phone Calls

      From Redditor u/utjgnek48395848:

      Husband is in a huge snit about this and has taken himself to the spare room over it.

      Tonight was the first time since giving birth seven months ago that I have been out at night, by which I mean I didn’t do baby’s bedtime feed and routine. I left to go to the cinema with a friend shortly before his bedtime routine would begin.

      Husband used to help for the first three months with evenings, but has since said he’s too busy/tired from work so I do it. I talked him through baby’s routine, the room temp, lighting, noise, preferences he has, and husband assured me he had everything under control.

      The movie barely started when I started getting calls from husband. I texted to ask him what was wrong and he said baby wasn’t sleeping. I texted him back with reminders of how baby prefers things and he said he had done it all.

      I checked the baby monitor (camera covers most of the room), and could see that the room lights were on, the white noise machine was off, and he hadn’t tucked baby into his blanket. I texted him to say as much and he started calling me again despite knowing I’m in the theater.

      He texted me to come home and put baby to bed. I told him I was sure he had everything in hand and put my phone on DND. I did periodically check on baby via the monitor and he was okay once husband actually followed the sleep routine.

      After the movie I saw that husband had continued to call me for like the next hour after we last spoke.

      When I got home he started arguing with me for ignoring his calls and berating me because I left him alone.

      I offered to show him bedtime for the last two days before going out and he didn’t want to know. AITA for ignoring his calls and not helping with baby?

      The internet sided with OP.

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      5,939 VOTES

      She Took Her Fiance’s Certificates Off The Wall After He Took Down Her Daughter’s Dog Picture

      From Redditor u/ThrowRAsp677:

      Me (F34) and my fiance (M36) got engaged two months ago. I own the house we currently live in, but after he moved in he started helping out with the mortgage payment. I have a daughter (F12); she adores animals (she’s had about seven pets so far in her life). Unfortunately, her dog… passed away. He was her closest friend and favorite pet. It was devastating for me as well because he was so precious.

      As a way to honor him, I’ve printed a middle-sized picture of him… and put it in a frame [on] the living room wall. [My daughter] was so happy with it, especially since she gets to see him smiling at her when she walks in. It gives her comfort.

      My fiance saw it and got upset. He commented on how strange it was to have the dog’s picture up on the wall and how much… distraction it brings. I felt puzzled because we have all kinds of pictures that were hanging on that wall. He suggested we remove it, but I ignored him. One day, I got home and saw that he’d taken it down. [My daughter] was in her room crying, holding the picture. I asked what happened, and she told me that my fiance took the picture off and told her she’s not allowed to have it… there. [He] also told her to keep it in her room if she didn’t want to lose it “for good.”

      I was shocked. I rushed out and immediately started taking down all the certificates he had on that wall: his doctorate, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees. And about four to five other certificates as well. All of them I took down and put in the bedroom. He discovered what I did and snapped at me, and said that it’s his house as well and I should respect his input. In my defense, I told him that since my daughter has to keep it in her room, then he too has to keep his certificates in his room, according to his logic. He yelled at me, demanding that I stop nagging him and acting childishly and spitefully. He wanted to put them back up, but I refused and said that if he does that, then [the dog’s] picture will be put back up as well. He yelled about how I disrespected him and his achievements and treated them as trash… then stormed out.

      He’s been giving both me and [my daughter] the cold shoulder for days now, saying he [won’t] speak to [either] of us till we apologize and put those certificates back up on the wall ourselves.

      The internet sided with OP.

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      5,202 VOTES

      Newlyweds Only Had Appetizers For Their Guests But Had An Entire Roast Chicken For Themselves At Their Wedding

      From Redditor u/Q_Q_S_S:

      We’re trying to save money where possible for the wedding ceremony and are using Publix for the catering. My wife thinks the guests will be okay just eating finger foods such as fruit/vegetable trays, assorted cheeses, wings, chicken tenders… but she knows she’ll be hungry and won’t be satisfied with just those. She wants just her and I to also have a roast chicken at the table (I think some sides, too). I think it would be incredibly rude to have an openly much better meal than our guests would have. Us tearing apart a full bird while they munch on tenders.

      Conversely, I’d be perfectly fine with just the appetizers for everyone, us included. The costs for every table to get a roast chicken would put us at like $30 a plate according to her, and that’s not saving money. With every decision we make she justifies them by going, “It’s OUR wedding! It’s ours, not anybody else’s!” She didn’t want to have a wide variety of options to cater to others either. She only wanted stuff she’d like. I think we’d be total *ssholes to go through with her idea. Thoughts?

      The internet sided with the guests.

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      He Threw Away The Food His Wife Put In His Freezer

      From Redditor u/BigDreamsSmallC*:

      I (39M) have been married to my wife (32F) for four years. We usually get along just fine.

      One of the issues that we’ve had since our relationship began has been about our freezer. Simply put, my wife stuffs the freezer full of food constantly. There is absolutely zero space for me to put anything in there.

      At first, I tried to solve this by buying the fridge with the biggest freezer we could find. I dropped nearly [$4,000] on it. She interpreted this as an invitation to buy more frozen food so she could play microwave dinner Tetris with the freezer. Every single nook and cranny is stuffed full. She still buys frozen foods and somehow finds a way to fit them in.

      The worst part is when I buy a frozen food or freeze something for meal prep, she asks me at least three to four times a day when I’m going to take it out of the freezer. She essentially nags me until I remove the food from the freezer so she can put something she won’t be touching for six months in in its place.

      Last weekend I finally snapped and bought an inexpensive single-door deep freezer. I put it in the basement near the washer/dryer and put a couple of my own things in there – mostly some frozen veggies and a few burritos. I didn’t really mention it to my wife because she wasn’t home when I brought it in.

      When my wife got home later in the day, she went downstairs to do laundry and discovered my freezer. She excitedly ran upstairs to tell me that the upstairs one is full and she can actually fit more food in there now. I responded that under no circumstances is she to touch the freezer because it’s mine. Not a single ice cube should be put in there. Then I told her to not even ask (because I knew she’d mention three to four times a day that she needs more freezer room). She sulked and tried to debate the issue, but I was able to placate her.

      A couple of days later I went down to the basement to get something from my freezer, and there I found it about 70% full of microwave dinners. Upon checking the freezer in the kitchen, I found that it too was still completely fully. I calmly went downstairs with a large garbage bag, threw everything into it, and then tossed it into our trash bin. Then I found a padlock I had lying around and locked it with a chain.

      Later that day my wife brought more frozen food to put into the new freezer, but when she got downstairs she noticed the lock and flipped her lid. She told me I was being controlling. When I told her that there’s no way she will ever use that freezer again, she threw something like a tantrum and left for her mom’s house. She came back later that day and told me that I had 24 hours to unlock the freezer.

      Nothing really happened after those 24 hours, but now she’s completely ignoring everything I say. I think my actions were justifiable, but was I wrong here?

      Edit: Thanks for the comments, everyone.

      Something weird here is that people assume I never talked to her about this. We’ve been married for four years. This has been an ongoing issue. Do you really think I’ve never brought up my frustrations when I tried to put something in the freezer? Do you really think her 3x a day “Hey, when are you going to take X out of the freezer” questions never resulted in any arguments?

      I was clear in a comment too. I have suggested that she may want to talk to someone about her issue. She absolutely lost it on me, going as far as to threaten divorce. But people are saying I spent $4,000 on a freezer to avoid a conversation 🙄.

      I just want to freeze a couple of f*cking microwave burritos without being asked all day when I’m going to eat them. Unless I legitimately drug my wife and carry her limp body into therapy, she’s not going. The people here who think that cOmMuNiCaTiON will make every single issue go away have obviously never had a conversation with a person who was incapable of seeing reason.

      The internet sided with OP.

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Disney Concept Art That’s Way Different Than What Ended Up In The Movie
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    She Took The Cake She Made For Her Husband’s Birthday And Went Home

    From Redditor u/EmilyPaterson099:

    Me (F25) and fiance (M31) “Ben’s” mom don’t have the best relationship. I try my best to be polite around her, but she’s the type that’d have high standards/expectations of whoever dates her sons (she has three). She’s commented on my hair and body several times, and at some point suggested “cosmetic” surgeries for the future. This upsets me, but Ben tells me this is who she is and I need to learn to have a thick skin, since oftentimes, she doesn’t really mean to be malicious…

    I’m known for baking cakes and sweets. Ben eats what I make, but whenever I bring something to his family to try, they find every excuse in the world not to eat it. I’m okay with that and stopped doing it.

    For Ben’s 31st birthday, his mom wanted to host the party. I decided to bake him his birthday cake and he was thrilled with it. I went grocery shopping, took time off work and put so much effort into making it how he likes it. I took it with me to his mom’s house, and to my surprise when I walked in, I saw a large birthday cake sitting at the dinning table. I was puzzled; FMIL said she requested this cake from the bakery and paid xxx money for it. I asked, “What about the cake I’ve made?” She responded, “Oh, you can place it on the counter over there and we’ll let the kids have it.”

    This felt like ice was dropped all over me. I looked at Ben and he nodded at me in a “just do it” way. I was so mad and the cake was still in my hands at the time. I turned around and made my way to the door. His mom remained standing, but Ben followed me asking where I was going. I told him that he didn’t need my cake and by extension me since my efforts were so easily dismissed and disrespected. He said I was overreacting and that his mom paid so much for that cake and it was only fair that he accept it. He begged me to get back inside and do him this favor by basically just go with the flow, but I decided to go home. He got mad and started saying I was being unreasonable and stirring drama over nothing.

    I went home and he didn’t get back till 11 pm. He was so upset. He said he and his family didn’t appreciate the childish behavior I displayed, and ruining his party and disrespecting his mom like that. Said I turned this into a huge deal and should’ve acted more maturely instead of walking out with the cake.

    AITA for taking the cake and walking out?

    The internet sided with OP.

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    Her Husband Tricked Her Into Going To His Family’s BBQ

    From Redditor u/Balcony-Angle5676:

    I (F33) am a nurse; I have a very, very busy schedule. It’s been absolutely crazy the past couple of years. My husband (M36) works an office job, and because he’s a family-oriented type of guy, he always hangs [o]ut with his family. His family live on a ranch in the middle of literally nowhere. It’s a hassle to go there, and due to my work nature, I don’t go to most of their functions. I do, however, make sure to attend the big ones.

    Last week, his family wanted to host a BBQ party. He wanted me to go with him so badly since all his brothers were bringing their wives, and since they mocked him for coming alone in the past. I said sorry, but I had a shift to cover. He begged; suggested I swap shifts with other nurses who are my friends and even called them all to beg them to cover for me. I grew irritated and told him to stop it. He sulked for a whole day, then dropped it.

    In the morning, and hours before my shift, I discovered that my car’s tires were out of air. My husband offered to drive me to the hospital at 4 pm and I agreed. I got ready and we got in the car, but instead of taking me to the hospital, he drove me straight to his family’s ranch. I was dumbfounded and angry after he said he tricked me into attending this BBQ, and that I had to suck it up and s[i]t this shift out. I was so mad I didn’t know what to say.

    We got to the ranch and I sat outside fuming. I waited and saw I still had time to make it to the hospital if I figured out a way to get there. I watched my husband go inside, leaving his keychain next to me (right where he was sitting). I took it and rushed to the back where all cars were parked, got into the car, and drove off. His dad saw me and told him. He started calling my phone relentlessly till I turned it off. I got to the hospital in time, but didn’t dare turn my phone on till it was past 8 pm. I opened it and saw tons of angry messages from him, berating me – calling me horrible and a manipulator. I got on the phone with him, and he yelled about the awful stunt I pulled – bailing from the party and making him look bad in front of his family. He then calmed down and said that he now knows that work is more important to me and that he won’t ever trust me after I basically stole his car and ran with it.

    We’ve been on terrible terms since then. His family are also mad, but I haven’t spoken to them about it yet nor calcified anything. AITA for what I did? I was desperate and worried that m[i]ssing my shift might cost me my job.

    The internet sided with OP.

    5,055 VOTES

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  • 13
    4,910 VOTES

    She Didn’t Want Any Strangers In The Background Of Her Wedding Pictures

    From Redditor u/gwbba:

    I (24F) recently had my wedding on the beach of a beautiful hotel in Cancun. Many of my friends and family could go, so I was very happy. The only problem was, during our ceremony, there were people on the sea playing or doing jet ski activities. It really bothered me because they would appear in the background, so I told my wedding planner about it. She was very understanding and said she would fix it.

    When she talked to the owners of the activities and to the people in that area of the sea, we expected them to be kind and nice, but they just declined and continued. I even took the time to go myself and ask them to stop, but they didn’t care.

    I was about to go and tell someone from the hotel, but my now husband stopped me and said it would be an AH thing to do. I told him standing up for myself wasn’t an AH thing to do and went looking for hotel staff, but they said there was nothing they could do.

    When I returned my husband was moody, and I wonder if it really was an AH thing to do. AITA?

    The internet sided with the husband.

    4,910 VOTES

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    He Called His Sister Out For Feeding Her Baby During His Wedding

    From Redditor u/Swimming-Exchange448:

    My… sister gave birth two months ago. She brought the baby to [my] and my wife’s (23F) wedding.

    She breastfeeds whenever she goes. We visit her house? She’ll breastfeed in front of us. Visiting our parents? She’ll breastfeed. Going out in a public setting? She’ll sit on a bench on the park and breastfeed. Go out to a restaurant? She breastfeeds. Everywhere. I’ve never spoken on it because I know she’ll get mad and offended, but when she did that on my wedding I lost my cool.

    During the reception dinner she just did it again. I kindly approached her and asked her why she didn’t bring formula or at least bump milk out and put it in the bottle so she wouldn’t have to do all this at that moment. She said, “Because I don’t have to. I feel comfortable breastfeeding. Getting milk out on my own is more painful.” I said she could just make this sacrifice and compromise for one day instead of doing this in front of 250 guests [at] my wedding. She then said she can’t do much about it now, because the baby has to have her milk. I told her she should be more thoughtful of that then, instead of completely embarrassing herself and us by doing this.

    I told my wife what the deal was and she said I’m an AH and should immediately apologi[ze] to my sister. My parents also sided with my sister and now pretty much everyone thinks I’m an AH since I’m the only person who had a problem with it.

    The only reason I decided to call her out is because I considered it… bad etiquette and tacky to do that at a formal event and that she could just find another solution for that night. AITA?

    The internet sided with the sister.

    5,126 VOTES

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    Makeup Artist Charges Bride More For Makeup When The Original Price They Agreed On Was Lower

    From Redditor u/Affectionate_Lie0:

    I am a makeup artist for the past nine years. I charge $500 for bridal makeup, around $250 for bridesmaid, etc., makeup, but for regular party makeup I charge around $150.

    So [a] few weeks ago a lady had booked me for a party makeup on June 25. She booked at 10 am. I went there thinking I’d do a regular party makeup. I had agreed $150 with her.

    As I was there, there were some people coming over. I assume relatives. At some point it slips from a woman about the wedding and I realize the woman I’m doing the makeup on is the bride. I’m doing a bridal makeup charging for simple party makeup.

    I was completely p*ssed how she lied about the occasion, but I kept doing my job. After we were finished, she gave me $150 and I notified her we are actually $350 short. She asked what I meant by that and I said that I did a bridal makeup. You’re the bride. That’s what I charge for brides. She said we had agreed on a simple party makeup and that I am basically ripping her off because I worked the same amount of time and used the same products as I’d use in a bridal makeup, so the title of the event shouldn’t matter. I told her she doesn’t get to dictate how I form my prices. She then refused to pay me at all and called me a scammer and told me to get out. Before I left, her mom threw $200 on my face and told me to get lost.

    I was telling what happened to my friends and they all sided with the bride and said that unless I used more expensive products and I did extra labor then I’m not justified in charging her more, and since she requested party makeup I should just charge her that. AITA?

    The internet sided with the bride.

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