Rare Photographs of Abraham Lincoln from 1846-1865

Rare Portraits of Abraham Lincoln from 1846-1865Abraham Lincoln, widely revered as one of the greatest leaders in American history, left an indelible mark on the nation during his tenure as the 16th President of the United States. 

Serving as the first president to be extensively photographed, Lincoln’s images have become powerful visual documents that chronicle his remarkable journey and the turbulent era in which he lived.

Recognizing the medium’s potential, Lincoln embraced photography as a means to connect with the American people, allowing them to visualize their leader in an unprecedented manner.

With each photographic portrait, Lincoln’s stoic expression, furrowed brow, and distinctive features became etched in the public consciousness, humanizing a figure who held immense responsibility during one of the nation’s darkest chapters.

John George Nicolay, Secretary to President Lincoln, famously said “There are many pictures of Lincoln; there is no portrait of him.”

The following images are some of the iconic ones that help document his life, from his early years in politics to his rise to the presidency.

1846/1847: By Nicholas H. Shepherd

President Abraham Lincoln Rare PhotosThis daguerreotype is the earliest confirmed photographic image of Abraham Lincoln. It was reportedly made in 1846 by Nicholas H. Shepherd shortly after Lincoln was elected to the United States House of Representatives.

Shepherd’s Daguerreotype Miniature Gallery, which he advertised in the Sangamo Journal, was located in Springfield over the drug store of J. Brookie. Shepherd also studied law at the law office of Lincoln and Herndon.

October 27, 1854: By Johan Carl Frederic Polycarpus Von Schneidau

President Abraham Lincoln Rare Photos

The second earliest known photograph of Lincoln. From a photograph owned originally by George Schneider, former editor of the Illinois Staats-Zeitung, the most influential anti-slavery German newspaper of the West. Mr. Schneider first met Mr. Lincoln in 1853, in Springfield.

“He was already a man necessary to know,” says Mr. Schneider. In 1854 Mr. Lincoln was in Chicago, and Isaac N. Arnold invited Mr. Schneider to dine with Mr. Lincoln.

After dinner, as the gentlemen were going downtown, they stopped at an itinerant photograph gallery, and Mr. Lincoln had this picture taken for Mr. Schneider.

February 28, 1857: By Alexander Hessler

President Abraham Lincoln Rare Photos“I have a letter from Mr. Hesler stating that [Lincoln] came in and made arrangements for the sitting, so that the members of the bar could get prints. Lincoln said at the time that he did not know why the boys wanted such a homely face.

Joseph Medill went with Mr. Lincoln to have the picture taken. He says that the photographer insisted on smoothing down Lincoln’s hair, but Lincoln did not like the result, and ran his fingers through it before sitting.” 

Note by H. W. Fay of DeKalb, Illinois, original owner of the photo. Lincoln immediately prior to his Senate nomination. The original negative was burned in the Great Chicago Fire.

1858: By Roderick M. Cole

President Abraham Lincoln Rare Photos

“…the photo you have of Abraham Lincoln is a copy of a Daguerreotype, that I made in my gallery in this city [Peoria] during the Lincoln and Douglas campaign.

I invited him to my gallery to give me a sitting…and when I had my plate ready, he said to me, ‘I cannot see why all you artists want a likeness of me unless it is because I am the homeliest man in the State of Illinois.’” — R.M. Cole, July 3, 1905 letter to David McCulloch.

Lincoln liked this image and often signed photographic prints for admirers. In fact, in 1861, he even gave a copy to his stepmother.

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